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5 Must-Know Millennial Shopping Habits

Despite the older generations’ claims that Millennials are lazy and entitled, it would seem that the young people of today are pushing the boundaries of what it means to have a good shopping experience. They are doing their best to be smart consumers with good awareness of the market as the need for quality products arises, and they demand to be involved is present. So, what are their habits, and what do they want from companies? Let’s break it down right here. They care about the price More than the brand name, availability, and even quality, Millennials seem to place more importance on price than anything else. The job market being what it is, coupled with the fact that a...

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50% Discount of the WHOLE STORE!

So, the boss is away and she asked us to clean up.. so we decided to have a 3 DAY 50% off Everything SALE that we think she will be so happy about. USE CODE VIPSPECIAL to get 50% off .. even already discounted items! Good or Good? We think its great. You get cool stuff and we don't have to clean up as much... In a way, we all get to clean up! If you are on our list, you already know about our sales, but if you're not, you should be! They are amazing... Talk soon. Bob is trying out a new pina colada cocktail recipe and it has my name on it. No, really, he;s called it...

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